are some of the organisations and
places where Emily Barlaston has
worked, or those who have offered
her invitations,
theatrical productions and concerts
in which she has been involved, and
even some fun people with whom
she has
the late Gabriele Bellini
Gaiety Theatre Dublin
Gaiety Theatre Pwllheli
Gala Stichting Amsterdam
G. and S. à la Carte
Galerie des Glaces Versailles
Le Garage Amsterdam
the much missed and dear
departed Jan
Gaumont Theatre Ipswich
Gay Games Amsterdam
Constant Geerling
Bob Geldof
Gemeente Breda
Gemeente Enschede
Gemeente Hengelo
Genootschap Nederland-Engeland
German Esperanto Association
Germana Esperanto-Junularo
Gilbert and Sullivan in Concert
the late and very much missed Ellen Gillot
Vivaldi Gloria
Go Planet
Goede Doelen Concert
Goed Zoo
Freddie Golden
The Gondoliers
Gooiland Theater Hilversum
Goor Music School
Gordon Mackenzie
Grand Café Kir Royal Hengelo
Grand Hotel Krasnapolski Amsterdam
Grand Hotel Leigh-on-Sea
Adriaan Grandia
Le Grand Macabre
Grand Opera House Belfast
Grand Theatre Blackpool
Grand Theatre Leeds
Grand Théâtre de la ville de Luxembourg
Grand Theatre Wolverhampton
Grenswerk Kunstenfestival Enschede
Groene Land Achmea
Gronauer Männerchor
Gronau School of Music
Groningen Civic Theatre
Groot Kievitsdal Baarn
Klaas-Jan de Groot
Grotesk Eindhoven
Raymond Gubbay
Guilde des Fromagers aux Pays Bas
Guildhall Theatre London
The Gypsy Baron